TubeMaster++(cattura file multimediali dal web)


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                Freeware (6.7mb)              XP / 2000 / ME / 9x / Vista / 2003 

TubeMaster e' un software open source distribuito da GgSofts. Questo programma permette all'utente di catturare dai siti web, ( YouTube, DailyMotion, MySpace, Google Video, LastFM, Jiwa, Songza, ecc... ) i  file multimediali che state guardando o ascoltando nel browser internet in formato Flv, Mp3, Mp4.  Dopo aver catturato i video si possono salvare, e convertire nei formati piu' comuni (AVI, MPEG, MP3, MP4, iPod, PSP ...). Il software ha inoltre integrati dei motori di ricerca per rintracciare nel web file video ed mp3. TubeMaster necessita che la Runtime Java installa sia 32bit e non 64bit, inoltre per la cattura dei file multimediali,  necessita di WinPcap .  Eccovi i link.  - Java Runtime 32bit - WinPcap.



TubeMaster and 'open source software distributed by GgSofts. This program allows you to capture from websites (YouTube, Dailymotion, MySpace, Google Video, LastFM, Jiwa, Songza, etc ...) the media you are watching or listening to the internet browser in FLV, MP3, mp4. After capturing the video you can save, and convert to most popular formats' common (AVI, MPEG, MP3, MP4, iPod, PSP ...). The software has also integrated search engine to find the web video and MP3 files. TubeMaster requires that the Java Runtime installed both 32bit and 64bit, also for the capture of multimedia files, requires WinPcap. Here are the links.Java Runtime 32bit - WinPcap

video dimostrativo TubeMaster trucco film

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